a beginner's guide to
by pokerologo
We are all the same when it comes to poker-
In which every poker player starts out as a beginner. Without knowing the rules or strategies necessary to win. The difference is that there are players who play a lot, but never spend more time learning.
When I first started playing online poker, I played freerolls, satellites, or low-cost micro tournaments every day to learn and improve my skills.
But I also watched YouTube videos and read any poker book I could. I downloaded programs on my cell phone, I joined groups so I could talk and learn more. In short, I was doing my best to LEARN.
Today there are so many options and tools available that you can use to learn more and improve your game.
We would like to introduce our new content areas. Here we will constantly add new content for you.
By playing tournaments on a daily basis, you could
try strategies, improve my game
and learn from my mistakes. Playing
regularly is a great way to improve your
game and to build trust.
We introduce you our new calendar. So you can keep up to date with the latest freerolls.
The more you practice and improve your game, the better chance you have to win.
Anyone can learn to play poker, but if you take the time to improve your game and have a competitive nature, you could be sitting at a final table at PokerStars or anywhere else you play, but you should have a good practice plan and know exactly what you practice.
Practice is when you mix what you've LEARNED, and implement it when you PLAY.
They say that "practice makes perfect", because I would like to add something to it:
We introduce the AM Freeroll and the PM Freeroll.
The AM Freeroll will be at 10AM UTC-7 and will be open to anyone who wants to play. A $ 1.00 prize will be awarded for first place only, but if I win, marc0p010, the $ 1 will not be won that day and will be added to the next AM Freeroll.
The PM Freeroll is for pokerologo.com members only. IF you are a member, we pay your buy in and you have the chance to win $ 3.00 in prizes for the first 3 places, KO prizes, and prizes for the top 20%